HCAS Meeting 18 August 2022: A Modern Perspective of the Solar System: What’s there and why

The Solar System comprises a central star, eight planets of varying sizes and composition, and three regions of small bodies. Chris Benton will outline a modern perspective of the Solar System structure, then discuss how and why it formed and evolved as it did, explaining what we see today.

Come along and learn why we see four small rocky inner planets, four giant gaseous outer planets, plus collections of asteroids and comets. Furthermore, discover why astronomers demoted Pluto from its status as a planet.

All attendees will receive a comprehensive handout on the topic, changing your view on the Solar System. We look forward to seeing you all there.

When: Thursday, 18 August at 7:30pm

Where: The Auditorium Foyer Whangaparāoa College, 8 Stanmore Bay Rd, Whangaparāoa

Please make sure to bring your mask.
Gold coin donation for supper afterwards.

Telescope viewing will be dependent on the weather

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