Guest Speaker: Jonathan Park
Last month, in part 1 of “Life in the Solar System” Jonathan explored the potential for life elsewhere in our Solar System. We looked at the building blocks of life, how life might get started, and Earth’s extremophiles.
This was followed by a visit Enceladus, Europa, and Titan, to see what they might have to offer in the way of habitability.
In Part 2, we visit Mars and look at the evidence for rivers and lakes, as well as an ocean which persisted for over one and a half billion years.
We learn that life had just as much chance of getting started on Mars as it did on Earth. If, in the next few years, we find that life did manage to get started on Mars, would there be any way it could have survived up to the present?
Following this, we have a quick look at some upcoming missions to Saturn and Jupiter, finishing off with a look at other possible oceans in our Solar System, which could number up to 14!
When: Thursday, 7 July at 7:30pm
Where: The Auditorium Foyer Whangaparāoa College 8 Stanmore Bay Rd Whangaparāoa
Please make sure to bring your mask. Gold coin donation for supper afterwards.
Telescope viewing will be dependent on the weather